Body Positivity!

It’s impossible to shut 7billion mouths; But pretty easy to shut one pair of ears❤

#Black_lives_matter movement got me in a huge surprise, not that I’ve never heard of oppressions against blacks, neither that I’m alien to the concept of racism.

It’s just surprising how amidst the great corona pandemic huge masses of people flood the streets to protest!

Haven’t this pandemic made us realize “Every lives matter the same”?

You be fair or dark, fat or skinny, tall or short, beautiful or ugly, clear skinned or not,every one without any partiality are being affected by virus! What does it imply? Biologically every human being is same, made up of proteins, lipids,carbohydrates and nucleic acids.

Let me tell u something, Being in equatorial region we are made to believe by MNCs that being fair skinned is pretty, The same MNCs in polar regions market for tanned skins.Just the same way stars in India spend crores of money to do lightening therapy, people spend millions in polar areas to have tans. Isn’t it clear now? Standards of beauty are set by MNCs for their own profits!

Amidst this #black_lives_matter protest Hindustan Unilever has changed its product’s name “fair and lovely” to “Glow and lovely” not at the cost of changing their norms,that being dark is OK; It is simply named so that their profits wouldn’t be disturbed by this anti fair movement

“Now it’s time that we wake up and clear the clouds that has been hiding our clear vision”❤

Next time when you look into the mirror be ready to face the real you! Your complexion, your height, your weight,nor your skin texture matters,“Because you did nothing to earn these nor can do anything to change these (without disturbing your body and genetic makeup) “

So the next time you feel you are not up-to the standards, think again “up-to which standards set by whom?”

When we all are biologically same,why discriminate and develop unnecessary row?

“Any problem one solution” –Love yourself and automatically U’ll see a better and positive world”😉

No hate; All love

Ever loving honey 😍

36 thoughts on “Body Positivity!

  1. Body Positivity – Wonderful topic.
    Glow comes from inner confidence and happiness…. Not from making up skin. Well said dear. Love yourself always as I do now.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Oh my dear child, I’m wondering about u. The topics u r choosing is mind blowing. Really ur words are touching my heart. I bless u will shine like star.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. “Beauty lies in heart and not on face.”💖
    •’black lives matter as any other life….’
    – well said honey….!!!🔥

    Liked by 3 people

  4. It’s beautiful Hani ♥ Each and every thing and person is beautiful, all it takes is the right pair of eyes to see it. Why not make yours, ‘your own right pair’ of eyes that sees beauty and nothing else!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. tbh, the lockdown has not been very kind to people’s mental health. with half the population of the earth trying out the #ChloeTingChallenge i think it’s safe to say that our body confidence is in its all time low. this is the most appropriate message anyone can ask for. thank you reminding me about how little my appearance actually matters 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I’ll always remember the day you told us, “Never regret anything about yourself which you don’t have a control on.” Keep going honey dear :)💖

    Liked by 2 people

  7. A valid point made that all are equal – be the structure, be the colour, be the status, be the age,…. In front of the unknown virus, the mankind has to bow and come to knees!! Just like in front of God!! Yes there can be nor should be discrimination created by the mankind for a beautiful peaceful life on this earth!!

    Love all and love thyself!!

    Good blog. Keep writing


    Liked by 1 person

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